Energycare - Studio Tecnico Associato
Corso IV Novembre, 57 15121 Alessandria AL Italia
Energycare is a neologism, in English "I care" is I take care of something, energy in our case, and ultimately C.A.R.E. is an acronym for Building with High Energy Efficiency. The study is made up of experts who have been working for a long time in the architectural, technical and engineering sectors and who work together in an integrated and structured manner so as to be able to provide, using their own resources, knowledge and experiences that also meet the needs of the more articulated and complex project initiatives, from the moment of conception to the moment of material realization of the intervention. The commitment of Energycare is to think about the design and construction of buildings that allow to obtain an economic gain through the saving of energy and environmental resources as well as a high living comfort. We take care of the architectural and plant design of buildings with very high energy efficiency , also according to the Passivhaus and CasaClima standards, accompanying the customer in the certification process, from design to construction site