Maurice Nio
Schiedamse Vest 95A 3012 BG Rotterdam Paesi Bassi
Maurice Nio (1959) graduated in 1988 from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Technology in Delft with designing a singular villa for Michael Jackson, the most singular thesis of that year. This project was of fundamental importance for its hybrid formation and vision of work. Through a mixture of mental processes, between mythology and pragmatism, of cryptic and at the same time completely transparent project strategies, he carried out projects with BDG Architekten Ingenieurs (1991-1996), such as the enormous aviTwente waste incinerator. Since 2000 he works with his own independent studio, NIO architecten. His books "You Have the Right to Remain Silent" (1998) and "Unseen I Slipped Away" (2004), as well as the exhibition "SNAKE SPACE", are considered works for contemporary architecture. His book "Supra Sensitivity in Architecture" was published on the occasion of the inauguration of the new Pecci Center in Prato