Mauro Fadel Architetto

Mauro Fadel Architetto

Via Postumia di Fratta, 102, 31046 Oderzo TV, Italia

Mauro Fadel, Swiss born in 1963 in St. Gallen (CH), resides and works in Oderzo (TV) Italy.
In 1992, he graduated in architecture from the Polytechnic University of Milan specializing with a Master's degree in Industrial Design at IED (European Institute of Design). He opened his studio focusing on architecture, industrial design, graphics, and furniture.
His projects are rich in meaning and combine extreme attention to the search for new materials and the most innovative solutions from design and ergonomics of forms with creative originality. Designing and creating innovative solutions from simple and original ideas conceived for spaces with young, modern, and exclusive design.
He collaborates with well-known and important furniture companies, designing items for furniture, Contract, and Outdoor.
He has received important awards and special mentions by participating in numerous national and international design competitions; creativity, flexibility, and experience are the concepts and philosophy underlying his work that has always distinguished him with great professionalism. The concept and philosophy of the word design for him are synonymous with imagination, emotion, and creativity.