Studio Rondine

Studio Rondine

Via Montesilvano 5, Napoli

Studio Presentation

Studio Rondine is the result of a symbiotic work, based on complicity, complementarity, and above all on the friendship between two Neapolitan architects and designers, Jessica Abbate and Elena Busiello.

Inspired by the famous quote by Richard Rogers, "You can't think of architecture without thinking of people", their projects set aside self-referentiality to concretely respond to people's needs.

Territory Regeneration and Public Space

The studio focuses on territory regeneration and is dedicated to public space as a place of exchange, relationship, and confrontation. The two professionals believe in positive and virtuous relationships within the community because, if architecture influences behaviors, then the architect-designer must respond to the needs of our time by addressing social issues and embodying values. In this way, new relationship dynamics are activated, and society is sensitized.

Installations and New Visions for the Community

Through their installations, Jessica and Elena promote interaction among users, triggering and facilitating virtuous processes for communities, offering a new vision of often abandoned or underutilized places.

Approach and Responsibility in Architecture

Their work always starts with a careful observation and listening to the territory, to understand its dynamics and potential. They identify needs and strive to translate responses into simple and innovative products. For Studio Rondine, architecture and design for public space carry great responsibility as they influence how cities evolve.

As Marguerite Yourcenar emphasizes: "To build means to collaborate with the earth, to leave the mark of man on a landscape that will be forever changed; to also contribute to that slow transformation that is the very life of cities."