Inspired by Oskar Schlemmer's Stabetanz, Emotional Space is "a project where the human body generates and modifies a space through interaction with a model, a sort of mutable architecture that relates movement and the surrounding environment"

Emotional Space. A reflection on the relationships between space, body, and movement
From the Laboratory of Modeling and Materials within the Degree course in product design, visual communication, and interior design at IUAV University of Venice, comes Emotional Space: a reflection on the relationships between space, body, and movement

Under the guidance of teacher Mauro Cazzaro (Kanz architetti) and teaching assistant Gianfranco Vasselli, the students of the laboratory carry out various experiments with rigid tubular PVC elements: they create 20 models that follow the dynamism of the human body, which becomes a unit of measurement of the space itself, giving life to ever-changing geometries

Photo credits
Top image, content and gallery images: Gianfranco Vasselli
Designers credits
Docente Mauro Cazzaro (Kanz architetti)
Assistente alla didattica Gianfranco Vasselli
Studenti del primo anno del Laboratorio di Modellistica e Materiali
a.a. 2021/22
Curriculum Interior design
Companies credits
Università IUAV di Venezia
Laurea triennale in design del prodotto, della comunicazione visiv
a e degli interni
Curriculum Interior design
Laboratorio di Modellistica e Materiali