Paolo Schianchi
One of the mostinterestingcritical voices on the contemporaryItalian design scene, Paolo Schianchi (1966) graduated with a degree in architecture in 1992 and beganhis career as a designer and art directorafterwinning a scholarship to study and work on projectsat the universities of Tübingen, Eisenstadt and Helsinki. As an expert in materials, he beganworking with a number of magazinespublished by Gruppo Editoriale Faenza and Gruppo Tile in 1997, and curated the exhibitioninstallations for numerousexhibitionsaboutfurniture design. His annual “Percorso bagno” exhibitionheldatPadovaFierebetween 2002 and 2007 marked a milestone in the evolution of bathroom design.
At the same time he worked for numerousfurniture companies, includingIlem, Nuke, Magma, Errepierre, Disegno Ceramica, ZehnderRuntal and Naxis, creatingdesigns and working on corporate image. Professor of Visual Communications and Interaction Design and Creativity and Problem-solvingat Università IUSVE - Istituto Universitario Salesiano di Verona e Venezia. Sessionallecturerat Politecnico di Milano between 2006 and 2010. Editor-in-chief of architecture and design publications: 2005/2007 ArchAEdilia, 2007/2009 CE International (Il Sole 24 Ore Business Media). Gallery Manager at FMG Spazio per l’architettura contemporanea in Milan since 2014. Scientific Curator of creative and cultural content for FAB Architectural Bureau Milano since 2015. Author of essays on contemporary design, architecture and visual culture; widelyrecognisedasone of the mostprominenttheoreticians of Visual Marketing and Visual Literacy. Recentpublications include L'immagine è un oggetto. Fondamenti di visual marketing con storytelling (2013); Architecture on the Web, a criticalapproch to Communication (2014), Webcreativity. Creatività e visual marketing post-web (2016)
At the same time he worked for numerousfurniture companies, includingIlem, Nuke, Magma, Errepierre, Disegno Ceramica, ZehnderRuntal and Naxis, creatingdesigns and working on corporate image. Professor of Visual Communications and Interaction Design and Creativity and Problem-solvingat Università IUSVE - Istituto Universitario Salesiano di Verona e Venezia. Sessionallecturerat Politecnico di Milano between 2006 and 2010. Editor-in-chief of architecture and design publications: 2005/2007 ArchAEdilia, 2007/2009 CE International (Il Sole 24 Ore Business Media). Gallery Manager at FMG Spazio per l’architettura contemporanea in Milan since 2014. Scientific Curator of creative and cultural content for FAB Architectural Bureau Milano since 2015. Author of essays on contemporary design, architecture and visual culture; widelyrecognisedasone of the mostprominenttheoreticians of Visual Marketing and Visual Literacy. Recentpublications include L'immagine è un oggetto. Fondamenti di visual marketing con storytelling (2013); Architecture on the Web, a criticalapproch to Communication (2014), Webcreativity. Creatività e visual marketing post-web (2016)