Pasquale Molinari
Since 2016: Technical manager Campania and Calabria for Saint-Gobain PPC Italia Spa
• Technical promotion/ development and management of client portfolios (designers, companies, agencies); technical assistance designers and companies; on-site assistance; technical training sales network; speaker of technical conferences (acoustics, thermal, fire prevention) organized under the patronage of professional associations (engineers, architects, surveyors); organization promotion activities with clients in collaboration with marketing
From 2013 to 2016: Central technical office for Saint-Gobain PPC Italia Spa
From 2006 to 2013: Technical manager for Lazio, Marche, Abruzzo, Molise, Tuscany and Umbria for Saint-Gobain PPC Italia Spa
From 2004 to 2006: Consultant / Designer for International Company Construction and Services for Engineering srl
• Main tasks and responsibilities Consultancy Quality certifications ISO 9001 = ISO 14001 and EMAS = and SOA certifications for more than 80 companies operating in the construction sector throughout the national territory.
Design / Studies of technical and economic feasibility in the civil construction sector in project financing.
From 2002 to 2004: Engineer
Safety Officer; Quality Manager (RDQ); drawing up documents for participation in public procurement contracts; work accounting.
Site activity management including:
- Implementation of the operational centre of the 118 st First Aid Service and of the helicopter maneuvers on the territory of the Basilicata Region;
- Building intended for the offices and laboratories of the ASL in Potenza (Via del
Design: structural calculations related to the orders acquired (viaducts, water and sewerage pipelines, buildings)
• Technical promotion/ development and management of client portfolios (designers, companies, agencies); technical assistance designers and companies; on-site assistance; technical training sales network; speaker of technical conferences (acoustics, thermal, fire prevention) organized under the patronage of professional associations (engineers, architects, surveyors); organization promotion activities with clients in collaboration with marketing
From 2013 to 2016: Central technical office for Saint-Gobain PPC Italia Spa
From 2006 to 2013: Technical manager for Lazio, Marche, Abruzzo, Molise, Tuscany and Umbria for Saint-Gobain PPC Italia Spa
From 2004 to 2006: Consultant / Designer for International Company Construction and Services for Engineering srl
• Main tasks and responsibilities Consultancy Quality certifications ISO 9001 = ISO 14001 and EMAS = and SOA certifications for more than 80 companies operating in the construction sector throughout the national territory.
Design / Studies of technical and economic feasibility in the civil construction sector in project financing.
From 2002 to 2004: Engineer
Safety Officer; Quality Manager (RDQ); drawing up documents for participation in public procurement contracts; work accounting.
Site activity management including:
- Implementation of the operational centre of the 118 st First Aid Service and of the helicopter maneuvers on the territory of the Basilicata Region;
- Building intended for the offices and laboratories of the ASL in Potenza (Via del
Design: structural calculations related to the orders acquired (viaducts, water and sewerage pipelines, buildings)
Degree in Engineering for the Environment and the Territory
University of Basilicata, Italy
Thesis: Impact of large retail structures on urban roads and the environment
University of Basilicata, Italy
Thesis: Impact of large retail structures on urban roads and the environment