House Zandpad: rebirth of an ancient residence
House Zandpad: rebirth of an ancient residence

House Zandpad: rebirth of an ancient residence

Casa Zandpad represents an example of how architectural renovation can preserve the historical charm of a building, integrating it with modern elements to create a welcoming and functional home. Thanks to the creative work of Studio Modijefsky and architect Jules Zwijse, this 17th-century house has been reborn as a modern family residence that celebrates the beauty of the surrounding nature and the joy of domestic life.

Casa Zandpad, an architectural gem from the 17th century, stands majestically in a green oasis, embraced by a river on one side and an orchard and garden on the other. This historic residence has lived many lives: it has been an inn, a bakery, and a café, accumulating a myriad of small rooms spread across different levels. The vision of transforming it into a modern home for a family required a complete reconstruction, retaining only the historic facade. The challenge was clear: maximize the space without being able to expand the boundaries of the house. Studio Modijefsky, in collaboration with architect Jules Zwijsen, enthusiastically accepted this challenge, creating one of the most interesting interior design projects to blend tradition and modernity.

House Zandpad: rebirth of an ancient residence

Panoramic Views and Design

The small rooms of the past have been replaced by an open design that enhances the breathtaking views around the house. The focal point of the new design is a full-height glass facade at the back, designed by the architect. This transparent wall offers a continuous view of the lush fields surrounding Casa Zandpad, bringing the natural beauty of the outdoors inside. Well-positioned windows allow natural light to flood every corner of the house throughout the day, while a neutral color palette harmonizes with the greenery, creating a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere.

Ground Floor: Welcome Home

Stepping through the main entrance, you find yourself in the central hallway that provides an immediate view of the staggered levels of the house. A grand staircase leads to the upper floor, while a smaller one descends to the basement cellar. A fireplace clad in handcrafted cream-colored tiles rises to the ceiling, visually connecting the three levels. This two-story high hallway creates an intimate atmosphere before narrowing into a passageway that leads to the main living area. The dark bottle green color of the wall welcomes visitors, inviting them to explore the heart of the home: the kitchen and dining area.

House Zandpad: rebirth of an ancient residence

Kitchen and Dining Area

The warm gray resin floor, uniform throughout the ground floor, harmoniously connects every space. The open and welcoming kitchen is dominated by a cooking island with a terrazzo countertop, unique in its kind thanks to the carefully composed blend by Studio Modijefsky. The kitchen walls and counter are clad in the same terrazzo, framing the windows and creating visual continuity.

Next to the kitchen, the dining area opens up to the glass facade, furnished with a sofa in a deeper shade of green. The facade doors can be fully opened, allowing you to fully enjoy the surrounding nature. In just a few steps, you can gather fresh herbs from the garden, stroll along the river, or dine on the terrace.

House Zandpad: rebirth of an ancient residence

Private Areas

Behind the living room wall are the most private areas of the house. The main bedroom and the bathroom are finished with a palette of delicate greens, wood, and handmade tiles. The bathroom is enriched by a mix of terrazzo with green, white, and pastel pink marbles, creating a serene and harmonious atmosphere. The main bedroom, with custom wooden wardrobes and an elegant bed frame, is complemented by playful bedside lights on both sides.

House Zandpad: rebirth of an ancient residence


The last room on the ground floor is a study, located behind the fireplace. This space, accessible via a wooden staircase, features a wooden floor that sets it apart from the rest of the house. Furnished with custom-made furniture, the study is a perfect retreat for work or relaxation, with a fireplace that adds a touch of warmth and comfort. From a comfortable armchair, one can enjoy the view of the fire and the tranquil riverside landscape.

House Zandpad: rebirth of an ancient residence

Upper floor: a family retreat

An elegant wooden staircase leads to the first floor, where you will find two children's bedrooms, a bathroom, and a toilet. Studio Modijefsky has maximized the light and height of the sloping roof, creating bright accents and discreet storage cabinets lining the hallway. The neutral color palette enhances the natural light, while narrow wooden floorboards create an intimate atmosphere.

The bathroom, with a pronounced green color palette and a terrazzo sink, is functional and welcoming. The bedrooms, one with a fireplace and a window overlooking the void connecting the two floors, the other with elevated views of the beautiful Casa Zandpad scenery, offer comfortable and bright spaces for the little ones.

House Zandpad: rebirth of an ancient residence
