The designed school, with extremely good educational conditions, fully meets international passive house standards by being free of cold bridges and having an advantageous form factor

Innovative school building. Building technology for low energy consumption
Adolfsbergsskolan, designed by the architectural studio LLP Arkitektkontor is an innovative school building with excellent energy performance, commissioned by the municipality of Knivsta, Sweden, for an ambitious educational programme
- #Europe>
- #Sweden>
- #Education>
- #Secondary school 2nd>
- #New construction>
- #Concrete>
- #Wood>
- #Metal>
- #Architecture>
- #Architectures>

The building is intended for 600 students and is located in the district of Alsike North, Sweden. After the design of the building, the House of Sport and Culture was planned by the architects themselves

The building has a large courtyard. Situated on a slope, a large staircase connects the main entrance of the street with the school courtyard

The building has three floors, with public rooms, common rooms, classrooms for pupils and domestic classrooms. The rooms are organized around open spaces, with the possibility of outdoor activities. In the common rooms, special attention has been paid to acoustics

Externally, the building is divided into longitudinal bands according to the floors of the building. A concrete plinth stands against the ground as far as the window on the second floor, as it does on the third floor

The window strips alternate with larch panels. The roof, with its industrial shape, is also suitable for the installation of solar panels. As for the interior, it is designed with wooden panels that are integrated with green coloured elements

Photography: Ake Eson Lindman