According to the architects of ISERN associats, commissioned to design the Hotel Atzavara in Santa Susanna, Barcelona, architecture should be understood as dialogue. That dialogue that is established both between the architectural object and the viewer and between the parts of the object itself

The Architecture of Hotel Atzavara intended as a two-way dialogue both with the viewer and between the elements of the composition
Hotel Atzavara is conceived as the result of the dialogue between a building of colossal dimensions, with more than 200 meters of façade and 45,000 built square meters, the functions it houses in its spaces, and the visitor's experience
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This principle guides the design and ensures that the architecture does not try to hide the scale of the building, but simultaneously speaks the language of modern "summer" architecture that defines the Mediterranean so well: white, concrete, grids and staves are organized in 7 blocks configuring a world of its own that allows the passage of light, air and panoramic views from the voids between the volumes

The Atzavara houses in its large spaces, in addition to hotel rooms, various restaurants and bars, spas, places to relax and meet that develop like small stages with a themed scenography. A unique set design for each space that ignores neither the landscape in which it is immersed nor its own personality, creating a bridge between the experience and the place

An invisible thread connects each of these scenographies: a path along the coast that unites all the experiences offered by the hotel through the common element of the landscape. Thus, along this path we will find the beach, with the encounter between the sea and the sand; a meadow of Posidonia at the bottom of the sea, full of fishermen's nets; a market where the colors and flavors of fresh produce can be enjoyed; pine forests, sand dunes, and agaves...

Photo credits
Top image, content and gallery images: Adria Goula
Designers credits
Architect Director Daniel Isern Pascual
Project Director Patricia Aragon
Interior Design Dir. Olga Pajares
Collaborators Myriam Gonzalez, Gerard Oliveras, Núria Hernández
Companies credits