Koněvova residential building between bohemian and contemporary atmospheres
Koněvova residential building between bohemian and contemporary atmospheres

Koněvova residential building between bohemian and contemporary atmospheres

The new Koněvova residential building, with its visual language blending retro and contemporary styles, engages in a dialogue with the picturesque Žižkov neighborhood of Prague where it is located. Amidst the bohemian atmosphere of this part of the city, which originated during the turbulent industrial era of the mid-19th century and the post-industrial periphery, the project offers 1387 square meters of built area for new apartments

Two almost identical volumes for a respectful dialogue with the context

The Koněvova residential building designed by A.LT architekti is one of those architectural projects that, in a well-identified context with significant historical value, fit in through a respectful dialogue. The new architectural volume has dimensions equal to those of two or three typical houses in the neighborhood: therefore, the architects decide to create two almost identical volumes, differing only in the use of colors

Koněvova residential building between bohemian and contemporary atmospheres

Façade Design. Colors and Windows

The north and south façades, respectively rear and front, are treated with darker colors; those facing the inner courtyard are white to enhance natural light inside the apartments. The street-facing façade reflects the internal layout, while all windows are designed with proportions similar to traditional ones in the surroundings

Koněvova residential building between bohemian and contemporary atmospheres

Contemporary Decorations. Sheets and Balustrade

Thin sheets inserted into the facade insulation protrude to create a horizontal design. A significant element of the main facade, on Koněvova Street which gives its name to the project, is the long balcony located on the 5th floor. The balustrade that evokes craft motifs of Prague architecture from the late 19th, early 20th century, is designed to give the impression that the top floor protrudes compared to the building's edge

Koněvova residential building between bohemian and contemporary atmospheres

The connection with Vítkov Park

The quality of the surroundings of the Koněvova residential building, being on a relatively busy street, is enhanced by the proximity of Vítkov Park along with the bike path that runs on the former train track site. The building opens into a large ground floor atrium, an extension of the residents' common spaces that seems to invite the park to come in and, at the same time, allows for the entrances of the two volumes to be moved

Koněvova residential building between bohemian and contemporary atmospheres
