Midrash Share Beraja: a temple of light, encounter, and serenity
Midrash Share Beraja: a temple of light, encounter, and serenity

Midrash Share Beraja: a temple of light, encounter, and serenity

The creation of the Midrash Share Beraja temple was an experience that intertwined design and spirituality, blending religious knowledge and architecture to give life to a space of prayer, learning, and gathering for the Jewish community

A temple of gathering and knowledge

The design of the Midrash Share Beraja temple, located in the State of Mexico, represented a new and rewarding experience for the team at ARCO Arquitectura Contemporánea, going beyond mere design and enriching the landscape of architecture projects dedicated to spirituality. Creating a religious space involves a deep respect and intimate understanding of the traditions, symbolism, and customs of the Jewish religion. To ensure that every detail was respected, we relied on a network of experts who supported us in selecting the most suitable solutions in terms of spatial orientation, materials, and ritual aspects. Our ultimate goal was not only to create a place of prayer but also a space that was a center of learning, knowledge, and gathering, a place capable of uniting the community through spirituality and architecture.

Midrash Share Beraja: a temple of light, encounter, and serenity

A discreet and integrated design

The Midrash Share Beraja temple fits harmoniously within a residential building, sharing the structure but maintaining completely independent entrances to preserve the tranquility and intimacy of prayer moments. Overlooking the street, the facade modulated in glass and black granite creates a balance between discretion and elegance. This harmonious rhythm of the facade not only provides a sober and refined aesthetic but also allows natural light to filter through the surfaces, softly illuminating the vertical circulation areas, essential for welcoming and orienting guests. The entire building thus reflects a balance between silent presence and spirituality experienced in an urban context.

Midrash Share Beraja: a temple of light, encounter, and serenity

Fluid and flexible spaces for the community

On the ground floor is the area dedicated to men, designed with a special focus on flexibility and functionality. The study stations are organized in double tables, designed to encourage discussion and sharing of knowledge, while the absence of fixed structural elements makes this environment highly adaptable, ready to adjust to any required configuration. One of the central elements of the design is the double-height space, which visually and physically connects the lower floor with the upper level, dedicated to women. The focal point of this area is a large central dome that allows natural light to flood the space, highlighting the path to the Haron Hakodesh, the sacred place where the Torah is kept, the spiritual center of the temple and a symbol of wisdom and spirituality for the entire community.

Midrash Share Beraja: a temple of light, encounter, and serenity

Funzionalità e accoglienza

Il piano superiore è progettato per ospitare il balcone riservato alle donne, fornendo una zona di osservazione privilegiata che non interrompe la continuità dello spazio sottostante. Questo piano è inoltre dotato di un'ampia area aperta che può essere utilizzata per lezioni e altre attività di comunità, offrendo una capienza modulabile per accogliere un numero maggiore di partecipanti durante gli eventi speciali. In quest’area si trovano anche l’ufficio del Rabbino, uno spazio di riferimento per la guida religiosa della comunità, e una cucina con annessa zona per la preparazione dei pasti, utilizzata soprattutto per i momenti di condivisione come i pranzi dopo le cerimonie. L’organizzazione degli ambienti risponde all’esigenza di offrire una completa esperienza di accoglienza e partecipazione, arricchendo il valore di ogni incontro comunitario.

Midrash Share Beraja: a temple of light, encounter, and serenity

Elegance and warmth in the materials

Particular attention has been dedicated to the design of the bookshelves, elements that not only serve a practical function but also represent a strong symbolism linked to knowledge and study. Custom-made, these bookshelves have been designed following a precise dimensional register, to ensure that each book finds its place in an orderly and respectful manner. The environment is clad with materials chosen to convey warmth and serenity: gray travertine marble, porcelain stoneware floors, and oak wood create a cozy and sophisticated atmosphere. The lighting, which plays a fundamental role in accentuating the elegance of the spaces, has been studied to blend natural and artificial light, thanks to a system of recessed lighting that provides depth and softness to the entire environment. The combination of these elements transforms the temple into a place of reflection, capable of inspiring serenity and peace to anyone who enters.

Midrash Share Beraja: a temple of light, encounter, and serenity
