For the project, materials related to the history of Cartagena were used, such as esparto, steel and wood, which at different times refer to the shipyards, especially the shipyards of Cartagena. The small square also has Mediterranean characteristics, favoring shaded surfaces and being in an ambiguous position with respect to the building that is neither inside nor outside

Small square associated with an archaeological site. The esparto is the protagonist of the performance
The project for this small refreshment plaza near the Molinete Archaeological Park in Cartagena, Spain, is characterized by an evocative "esparto sky", which is the protagonist of the exhibition, a material connected with the local fields and navigation
- #Europe>
- #Spain>
- #New construction>
- #Exhibition Hall>
- #Urban areas>
- #Metal>
- #Wood>
- #Fabric>
- #Stone>
- #Architectures>
- #Architecture>

The project is structured into two different parts. The first part is intended for the circulation of visitors in the Park and contains an exit, a store and a resting place. The second part consists of a square of wood and esparto shaded by the strong sun of the Mediterranean area, a place to rest and freshen up after a few hours of visiting the archaeological site

Photo credits
Top image, content and gallery images: Luis Asín