The property chosen for the creation of the wellness center included pre-existing buildings. By restoring these, it was possible to develop the project despite the stringent constraints imposed by the protected area. New Life Portugal wanted to make the most of the excellent conditions of the structure to offer spaces for meditation, yoga, counseling, coaching, fitness, and mindfulness in connection with nature

Seeking a Balance Between Body and Mind in the New Life Portugal Center, Nestled in a Nature Reserve
The creation of New Life Portugal was a challenge: to create a wellness and mindfulness center based on the idea of communal living within the Serra da Estrela Natural Park, a UNESCO Global Geopark and the oldest and largest protected area in Portugal
- #Europe>
- #Portugal>
- #Architectures>
- #Building recovery>
- #Culture and Services>
- #Multipurpose center>
- #Hotels>
- #SPA / Wellness center>
- #Building extension>
- #Interior>
- #Restoration>
- #Architecture>

The various structures were designed by PLATAFORMArq with the goal of establishing a close relationship between the surrounding nature and the concept of wellness, maximizing it. The traditional buildings of the old "Quintas" have been transformed into living units, while the community spaces were the theme in the design of the contemporary buildings

The renovation of the 10 pre-existing ruins allowed the creation of 4 residential complexes for a total of 49 units with private bathrooms, customized to ensure a balanced combination of privacy and communal living. The use of cork in the transformation of the ruins served to mark the difference between the old and the new

The community facilities include a multifunctional community center, a meditation room, and a therapy center, in addition to the reception building. The multifunctional community center, centered on relaxation and performance, is the social hub of the community, which includes a dining room, a lounge area, a gym (also used for workshops, yoga sessions, and meetings), a heated outdoor pool, a sauna, and a massage room. The therapy center comprises a series of intimate and comfortable rooms for individual counseling and life coaching sessions

Photo credits
Top image, content and gallery images: João Saraiva
Designers credits
Architect / Coordination – Paulo Borges
Architect / Coordination – Pedro Leitão
Architect / Architecture Project – Gonçalo Rego
Architect / Architecture Project – Maria Paula
Civil Engineer / Structure Project – Margarida Conceição
Civil Engineer / Fire Safety Project – Monica Cordeiro
Companies credits
Corticeria Amorim – Corck
Umbelino Monteiro – Roof Tile