The People Parkers, made up of modular blocks, are designed by architect Alexander Symes to fit the size of a standard car trailer and to occupy the maximum footprint of a car park. Each pod can accommodate up to 10 people with two tables and an umbrella to provide shade. People Parkers can adapt to any slope and road conditions

People Parkers, a portable garden that steals the parking space from cars and gives it back to people
People Parkers are miniature public gardens on wheels, designed to temporarily convert street parking spaces into green and welcoming places for citizens

The aim of this project was that the People Parkers designed by architect Alexander Symes would become a tool to be used in tactical urbanism, to awaken community involvement in the use of public space and to encourage people to think about their city in a different way

This project is the latest interaction of the Glebe Point Road Moveable Parklet Program' executed in collaboration with the Glebe Chamber of Commerce, with the support of The City of Sydney and a local community crowdfunding.
The photos of People Parkers were used in Kingsford, Surry Hills and Chippendale during the construction of the Sydney Light Rail

Photo credits
Top image, content and gallery images: Barton Taylor