The project to redevelop the area around Campagnola Square in the Vicenza town of Rosà, by Didonè Comacchio Architects, aims to increase the safety of pedestrians and the road system in general

Campagnola Square in the municipality of Rosà: Redevelopment for a better viability
The project proposal aims to redevelop the area around Piazza Campagnola where there is currently a bottleneck at the capitol on the intersection with Via San Marco
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The first design phase saw the demolition of the abandoned roadside building, which, prior to the intervention, along with the capitol, created the narrowing on Via Campagnola. The second phase saw the relocation of the capital in its entirety to the specially designed green area

A concrete sidewalk, delineating the space for pedestrians, connects the capital with the existing church. On the street front, set back from the demolished building, a small plaza is created with a precast concrete seat, where local community will be able to enjoy this new space

Photo credits
Top image, content and gallery images: Alberto Sinigaglia