The project comes from the extraordinary integration of old and new elements, competing urban forces and interconnected spaces with distinct functions: office, main living area and penthouse. The rigidity of the original concrete structure is divided into a subtle interaction of light, surfaces, levels and indoor and outdoor spaces

Warehouse turns into a residence in San Francisco. Interconnected spaces and large windows
Fougeron Architecture transforms a two-story San Francisco warehouse into a modern and elegant office and residence. The aim was to create a sanctuary for a young family within an industrial urban landscape, through the use of light
- #America>
- #United States>
- #Habitation>
- #Building recovery>
- #Interior>
- #Restyling>
- #Concrete>
- #Glass>
- #Architectures>
- #Renovation>

The new office space lobby on the ground floor opens onto a private residential entrance with a custom steel staircase. This entrance remains in keeping with the industrial nature of the building and the surrounding neighbourhood. The second floor is the main living space. The heart of the house: a new courtyard, cut out of the existing floor, connecting the building to the new penthouse above. This vertical section offers several levels of transparency and views from one floor to the other, thus intertwining the interior and exterior spaces with a combination of light and shadow

Transparent glass walls enclose the bathrooms and the child's bedroom, intertwining the concepts of public and private. The viewer's eye is kept in constant motion by a multitude of angles. This visual seduction and the dimensions and interior spaces, are suited to the flow of life inside and throughout the home

All new elements in the living space are treated as one-eighty metre high furniture, floating in the existing volume. The old and new can exist together in what can be seen as one large space: rough warehouse structures and concrete walls; refined, unspoiled furniture and glass windows. The addition of the penthouse on the third floor is at the heart of the design. The geometry of this sculptural object contrasts with the orthogonal grid of the existing concrete structure