The Migliore+Servetto studio, internationally recognized for excellence in interior design and exhibition setups, as well as in the design of communication spaces, has been chosen to carry out the new headquarters for The Human Safety Net. The project is divided into four distinct areas: an exhibition path with an innovative concept that offers visitors an immersive experience of the Generali Group Foundation and its activities; a cafeteria; a co-working area with functional zones dedicated to the Foundation's activities; and finally, the event rooms that flank the auditorium

Interior, Exhibition, Graphic & Multimedia Design of the Procuratie Vecchie in Piazza San Marco, Venice
A 3000 square meter area, between the third floor and the welcoming spaces on the ground floor of the iconic Venetian palace, has been redesigned. This project, commissioned by one of the world's largest insurance and asset management providers, the Generali Group, aims to accommodate new spaces for Interior, Exhibition, Graphic & Multimedia Design at the Procuratie Vecchie in Piazza San Marco
- #Europe>
- #Italy>
- #Architectures>
- #Exhibition / Temporary Installation>
- #Historical Building>
- #Culture and Services>
- #Headquarters>
- #Restyling>
- #Interior>
- #Design>
- #Architecture>

The overall intervention translates into an integrated project that ranges from interior design to graphics and the design of digital content and all interactions, through the study of materials and light design, with an innovative and experimental approach - the true stylistic business card of the Studio, which generates sustainable and inclusive spaces. All the furnishings are designed by the studio that also maintains in its intervention a strong connection with the genius loci and the city of Venice, through the enhancement of the iconic historical elements present and the collaboration with local craftsmen

Three recurring symbols connect the entire, vast and varied project: the table, the nest, and the mirror. Symbol of meeting and dialogue, the table is present in the interactive installations and in the social spaces, made with wooden, metal or copper pipes and glass. The nest is a symbol of hospitality and ties, and is reflected in the shelf structures present in the social and work spaces. Lastly, the mirror, which boasts a centuries-old tradition in Venice and recurs in the café furniture and various installations, is an allegory of challenging oneself, of reflection and consciousness

Photo credits
Top image, content and gallery images: Andrea Martiradonna