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Index Spa
Thermal and acoustic insulation
Company Index offers thermal insulation in rolls, panels coupled to waterproofing membranes and acoustic insulators, for roofs, ceilings, walls or floors. In Italy, despite the favorable climate, the overall energy requirement, especially thermal, is quite high. In favor of living comfort, energy obtained from fossil fuels is consumed, polluting the environment. In energy savings and in the reduction of thermal dispersion, it is important to increase the thermal insulation which decreases the thermal transmittance of the buildings and which lasts over time. FEATURES The Index company has been involved in the production of thermal insulators since 1980. The range of insulators is constantly expanding, and they are capable of thermally isolating building works based on their use, roofing, considering all the characteristics of the building, from the foundations to the roof. The company is not limited to the production of high quality insulating materials, but also of its durability over time, suggesting the best protection, maintenance and repairability systems. Next to thermal insulators, Index offers acoustic insulators, which contribute to an improvement in acoustic comfort. The sound insulation is designed together with the thermal insulation and, in addition to repairing noise from outside the building, it is important that each apartment is well insulated from its neighbor. The company, after having conceived FONOSTOPDuo, the soundproofing for floor sound noise, to isolate from one floor to another, has expanded the range also involving walls, roofs and ceilings.

Controlled mechanical ventilation | HomeVent®
The company Hoval offers a HomeVent Controlled Mechanical Ventilation system, aimed at recovering heat and humidity for every need. Thanks to these new products, an optimal climate is guaranteed in all environments: the outside air is filtered and then heated and moistened. CHARACTERISTICS Among the various systems of Controlled Mechanical Ventilation, the company Hoval offers different options according to your needs. For small homes, the company offers HomeVent® comfort FR (150), small in size, extremely thin but no less efficient. The HomeVent® comfort FR (201), (251) and (301) system is beautiful and compact, capable of filtering and moistening the outside air, generating clean air that guarantees a feeling of well-being as if you were outdoors. Thanks to the air pipes of the HomeVent® FRT (251-451), which can be rotated and positioned at will, the system is extremely compact, small enough to be placed in a cabinet in compliance with EU standards. Finally, Hoval offers HomeVent® comfort FR (500), with unique functional and construction advantages, for villas, large single-family houses, offices and high-class commercial spaces. It is a fully automatic, draught-free system that completely filters out harmful substances present in the air, including odours, and thus recovers the heat and humidity that would be lost if the windows were opened.

Heat pump
The company Hoval offers a wide range of heat pumps capable of responding to every need of its customers: energy recovery from air, earth, water, systems with great potential, silent, compact and modern. The different systems offer the possibility of indoor and outdoor installation, application in homes, new buildings or for renovations as well as in commercial buildings. CHARACTERISTICS The first of the products offered by the company is UltraSource ®, in which air, land and water act as energy sources in climate protection. In addition to ensuring a pleasant thermal environment, it is very cost-effective. It is used mainly in single-family homes and produces hot water and is used for cooling in summer. Depending on the specific model, you can opt for an indoor or outdoor installation for the house. The Belaria® air-water heat pump is the solution that can be used for any type of purpose in an economical and environmentally friendly split version, with full efficiency values, both for new buildings and for renovations. Belaria® hybrid SRM is the gas condensing hybrid system, ideal for single and multi-family houses, with a heat pump split version. This system makes the best use of the gas and heat in the environment, ensuring low operating costs, savings in the production of thermal energy, maintenance of existing radiators and a quick replacement of the existing boiler. Belaria® Air-to-water heat pump indoor installation, a system that heats, produces hot air and cools in the summer and can be installed inside homes, especially in single and two-family homes, both for new buildings and for those to be renovated. The Belaria® air-water heat pump for outdoor installation is designed with a heat pump for outdoor installation, both for renovations and for new buildings, guaranteeing great power and a high level of quietness. Finally, the company offers the Thermalia® ground-water heat pump, which provides for the recovery of energy from groundwater and earthquakes, both for new buildings and those to be upgraded. It has a complete range that goes from residential to commercial buildings, covering flow temperatures of 60-62°C, reaching even 70°C. All models in the range have a passive cooling function.

Solar collectors
The company Hoval provides different types of solar collectors, storage kits and combined solar energy storage tanks to suit the different requirements of the customer with regard to solar energy systems. CHARACTERISTICS Among the solar thermal collectors, the company offers UltraSol, a collector with an intelligent and elegant construction which is easy to install and equipped with anti-reflective solar glass, UltraSol eco is an economical version of the preceding one with solar glass that has a standard surface and Panels for large installations, with surfaces of more than 40 square metres, with a highly selective aluminium absorber. As a storage kit, SolKit aqua is designed to heat drinking water using solar energy and a pellet boiler, a heat pump and a condensing boiler powered by oil or gas. The kit includes a storage tank and a group for supply and return. The connection is compact and fast, suitable for a single-family house, whether it is newly built or renovated. Among the combined solar energy accumulators there is CombiSol, a highly resistant solution for the production of hot water and heating and among the heating systems used for the heating, SolarCompact is proposed, a solar energy solution for the production of hot water in your home, with attention to the environmental impact and the economic aspect.

Index Spa
Cool Roofs
In favor of reducing urban heat islands, the Index company contributes to the installation of Cool Roofs on buildings. Currently, 90% of dark-colored roofs, under solar irradiation, reach up to 80 ° C, with negative effects on the environment and on the durability of buildings' waterproofing membranes. FEATURES The company, thanks to the use of specific white paints, reduces the roof temperature up to 40 ° C, at the same time reducing the transmission of summer heat inside the building. The Reflex White finishing membrane, slate membrane for cold roofs, but even more so the White Reflex painting, painting with white pigments, determines a lower heat absorption. The Reflex White Membrane is a treatment that is based on the use of white mineral self-protection, with high saturation and brightness, which allows the creation of roofs with high solar reflectance and very high thermal emissivity. The mantle has both a good diurnal reflection and a high nocturnal emission, bringing both benefits on energy consumption, for air conditioning of the building, and on the problem of urban overheating. White Reflex water-based paint has the same benefits, applied to the waterproof membranes of the roofing, reducing its temperature during the day and speeding up its cooling during the night, reducing the transmission of heat in the living areas below. The paint, thanks to a special white pigment, reduces the temperature more than the self-protected membranes with metal and is even more effective than the Reflex White membrane. The range of White Reflex paints is composed of White Reflex Ultra, white water-based paint with a reflection index greater than 110, and White Reflex SV, a solvent version with the same characteristics as classical painting. Furthermore, the paints considerably prolong the life of waterproofing membranes, reducing the maintenance costs of the roof, and it is possible to paint afterwards on bituminous surfaces even of old mantles, without the use of special membranes. Significant energy savings have been recorded, as well as the improvement of internal summer comfort.

Index Spa
Green Roofs
In favor of the reduction of urban heat islands, the company Index offers green area solutions, including roofs, with benefits known to all. Given that urban space is scarce, the transformation of existing roofs is proposed. FEATURES The company proposes the transformation of roofs into "intensive green roofs", or roof gardens, or "extensive green roofs". While the first provides a higher weight and a soil thickness of at least 30 cm, while guaranteeing the cultivation of bushes and belongings of a certain size, the second requires 5-12 cm, with the possibility of cultivating small plants, with a reduced maintenance compared to the first case. The green roof allows energy savings of up to 25%, without considering that the thermal resistance of the green roof is greater, being able to use it both in winter and in summer. The green cover temporarily absorbs rainwater and releases it slowly, avoiding flooding. To ensure watertightness, it is necessary to use a waterproofing membrane, Defend Antiradice Poliester, resistant to roots, applied as the last counter-layer in garden waterproofing. Furthermore the green roof filters urban pollution, favors animal settlements and reduces the transmission of noise inside the building.

SonnenBatteries 10 - For existing PV systems
The sonnenBatterie is a new accumulation system proposed by the company Sonnen, of high technological content, tested by countless users in the residential field. Thanks to the combined use of the sonnenBattery storage system and the photovoltaic system, at least 75% of the annual energy requirement is covered. The sonnenBatterie can also be integrated with existing photovoltaic systems, ensuring very high performance. CHARACTERISTICS The sonnenBatterie 10 is a simple, reliable and versatile energy platform that can be combined with an existing photovoltaic system. It can also be used in new areas, in electric vehicle charging systems and in the "small business" market. Regardless of the power of the system, it guarantees maximum flexibility, with the possibility of inserting up to 9 cascade systems, as well as an even higher inverter power. It has an expandable capacity up to 27.5 kWh, provides energy even in the event of a blackout, guaranteeing independence and safety, and the batteries undoubtedly guarantee a long life.

SonnenBatteries hybrid - For new PV systems
The sonnenBatterie is a storage system proposed by the company Sonnen, of high technological content, tested by countless users in the residential field. Thanks to the combined use of the sonnenBattery storage system and the photovoltaic system, at least 75% of the annual energy requirement is covered. CHARACTERISTICS The sonnenBatterie hybrid is synonymous with economy. Thanks to the inverter for the photovoltaic system already contained in this solution, it will not be necessary to insert a device to convert the current from the photovoltaic into alternating current for your home. In this way, clean energy will be even more economical. The system, very compact and efficient, therefore allows to save on the external inverter and its installation, optimizing the use of self-produced energy to the maximum.

Thermal acoustic insulation horizontal dividers | Sottofondo Lecazero8
The evolution of modern construction techniques, new regulatory and design requirements determine the continuous evolution of the way of understanding the background as a whole; In fact, from a simple layer to a floor support has arrived at a real constructive element of the building object of careful design and executive care. The existing regulatory framework, Law 447/95, DPCM 5/12/97 and Decree 26/6/2015, introduces the need to design the background package in order to achieve a specific thermal and acoustic performance The lightweight and insulating solutions based on Leca expanded clay allow you to achieve the best performance of thermal and acoustic comfort, ideal even in renovation, reducing loads by up to 75% compared to a traditional solution. The finishing screed, as a direct support of the floor, must always be present and suitable for laying the coating, whatever it may be (ceramic, wood, vinyl, PVC, etc.). Features The screeds of the Lecamix line (Facile, Forte and Fast) and Centrostorico are light and premixed in a sack of CE-marked Lecapiù expanded clay for the construction of floating screeds, ideal for renovation because they do not overload existing floors and structures. The lightened background, that is the layer of thermal insulation/ lightening/ compensation, will have the function of leveling all the dimensions creating the ideal support for the subsequent laying of the acoustic insulation layer to the foot and the screed finish. The undercoats of the Lecacem range (Mini, Classic and Maxi) and Centrostorico are pre-mixed in bag and based on Lecapiù expanded clay, ideal for creating resistant and light compensation layers (from 450 to 600 kg/mc) which contribute significantly to the thermal insulation of the floor.

System of slab consolidation
Negli interventi di ristrutturazione degli edifici in muratura, I solai hanno un ruolo fondamentale per il consolidamento statico e antisismico degli edifici, grazie alla formazione della cerchiatura perimetrale che evita il ribaltamento delle pareti e alla formazione della soletta collaborante interconnessa al solaio esistente che crea un piano rigido. In particolare, l’obiettivo è quello di realizzare interventi tali da ottenere il “comportamento scatolare” del fabbricato esistente. L’efficace collegamento tra i solai e le pareti è indispensabile per assicurare la continuità strutturale degli elementi portanti dell’edificio: al solaio il compito di ridistribuire al meglio le forze orizzontali sulle pareti, formazione del piano rigido, oltre a evitarne il ribaltamento. Caratteristiche La realizzazione di una nuova soletta collaborante leggera, collegata al solaio esistente grazie al contributo dei Connettori CentroStorico Legno, Acciaio, Calcestruzzo, Chimico e alla muratura con Connettore CentroStorico Perimetrale, incrementa la sicurezza antisismica dell’edificio. Inoltre, la nuova soletta collaborante in Calcestruzzo Leca, collegata al solaio e alle pareti esistenti tramite i Connettori CentroStorico e Perimetrale, consente di ridurre il peso gravante sulle strutturesino al 50% rispetto a una soluzione tradizionale. Grazie anche al contributo dei massetti e sottofondi alleggeriti Leca, il sistema assicura positivi effetti sia sulla riduzione delle masse oscillanti durante l’evento sismico che sull’aumento della portata utile del solaio.

Energy supply sonnenFlat 1500
The sonnenFlat is a system proposed by the Sonnen company, which aims at total energy independence, a cleaner and cheaper future, together with the sonnenBatterie. CHARACTERISTICS The idea behind the sonnenFlat is the combination with a photovoltaic system (guarantor of 75% of annual energy autonomy) with the sonnenBatterie system. The sonnenFlat, in fact, guarantees you the remaining 25% of energy needed as a reward for having made your sonnerBattery available to the national electricity grid. By joining the sonnenFlat 1500 you can enjoy monitoring by the service that helps to optimize self-production and self-consumption in your home, software updates available on the market to improve energy savings, energy bonuses of 1500 kWh annual to use when you need it. The sonnenFlat, in addition to creating the foundations for the electricity grid of the future, guarantees 100% independence and considerable economic advantages.

Systems of structural reinforcement | Ruregold
Ruregold of Laterlite is a leading company in the field of structural reinforcement and has a deep knowledge of the market of construction reconstruction and infrastructure maintenance, thanks to the significant know-how gained in almost 20 years of experience. Ruregold concentrates its energies in the evolution of new systems for the reinforcement of concrete and masonry structures with composites of excellence, in particular the FRCM range with PBO and carbon mesh and inorganic matrix that, first in the world, has obtained the international validation certification. Features The structural reinforcement systems FRCM (Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix) consist of the coupling of a long fiber at high performance and inorganic matrix cementitious stabilized used with the function of adhesive: a step ahead of traditional FRP systems with composite matrix epoxy resins. Two different types of structural fibres, carbon and PBO (polyparafenilenbenzobisoxazole) are used in Ruregold’s FRCM reinforcement systems, both materialists with mechanical properties and performance that can absorb the efforts generated by overloads and exceptional events, such as earthquakes. The range also includes FRP reinforcement systems with carbon fibre pultruse fabrics and sheets and epoxy matrix consisting of the joining of a long high performance mechanical fibre and a matrix acting as an adhesive between the fibres and the support allowing the transfer of stresses from the structure to the fibre. The intervention of plating of the masonry, by means of the technique of the reinforced plaster - CRM system - allows the increase of the carrying and seismic capacityresistant to walls thanks to the use of fibreglass nets and specific mortars for the restoration and consolidation of masonry structures that allow to intervene especially in the case of walls are severely damaged or inconsistent, provided that the necessary transverse connections are in place and are well anchored to the reinforcements on both sides of the masonry. The range is completed with products and solutions for the restoration and preparation of the concrete and masonry support for subsequent structural reinforcement interventions, Fiber-reinforced HPFRC micro-extruders reinforced with steel and synthetic fibres for structural reinforcement of pillars, beams, beam-pillar knots and reinforcement hoods and X Plaster floor coverings.