Ard de Vries Architecten
Lauriergracht 116, B41016 RR Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi, Italia
The Ard de Vries Architecten office started with the need to take on assignments, where architecture, regardless of its autonomous position, its architectural reality and programmatic aspects, is connected to daily use. The Architecture of the Daily.
Ard de Vries (1978) graduated in 2004 with an honorable mention from TU Delft. His graduation was selected for the Archiprix. After graduating, he worked at the Atelier of the Government Architect. He then worked for 8 years at the office of Jo Coenen in Amsterdam, before starting his own office.
He won the Abe Bonnema Prize 2016 for young architects for his Valkenberg Estate project.
The jury writes in its report;
“The design pleasure is splashing. With this contemporary farm Ard de Vries adds a new type to the repertoire of country houses and estates. The design shows great craftsmanship, the execution results in a building that has an exceptional, high architectural quality, that inspires future generations and that sets an example. ”
"The architect creates a new image with a beauty that moves"
“During the construction process, Ard de Vries seems to have discovered the quality of the available material and the input of his client. The result evokes emotions and enormous admiration. ”
Since 2017, Donna van Milligen Bielke and Ard de Vries have joined forces. Together they won the commission for a cultural building by and for makers, on the culture square in Leidscherijn. They also won the tender for the art yard in Groningen in collaboration with Piet Oudolf. Permanent accommodation for five stage institutions in the Ebbingekwartier.
In collaboration with ; Will Stokkermans, Tsveta Ruseva, Xenofon Moraitis, Hesh Fekry, Julia Gersten, Karel van Zanten, Anne Wies.