The Index company, aware of the difficulties currently encountered due to the wear of waterproofing membranes, and the consequent infiltration of water, especially in modern structures subjected to continuous lightening and exaggerated in its movements, proposes continuously improving bituminous membranes, guarantors of a perfect waterproofing. Bituminous membranes, together with the appropriate application techniques, allow an increasingly perfect waterproofing of flat roofs, resisting atmospheric agents and long life.
The numerous Index materials are produced with modern and technologically advanced systems, whose quality comes from research, experimentation and strict controls, in which various environmental conditions are simulated and problems concerning water and humidity for the waterproofing of flat or inclined roofs of various types of buildings. Bituminous membranes with waterproofing function, thanks to their high breaking loads and elongation characteristics, guarantee waterproofing for every building structure. Lightweight waterproofing membranes, Lighterflex hpcp and Lighterflex hpcp helasto, are lighter membranes than standard products, with a weight reduction of rolls up to 40%, but with the same water-tight qualities over time. In this way more rolls can be transported and the movements by the operators are easier. The super-adhesive waterproofing membranes, based on the gluing system, are divided into: self-adhesive membrane, which is glued to pressure and room temperature, self-heat-adhesive membrane, which is self-sticking with the indirect heat of the flaming of a layer superimposed on the membrane, and thermoadhesive membrane , which is glued with light flaming on the lower face. Finally there are the waterproof and breathable sheets under the tile, for air and water tightness, applied on sloping roofs, under the tiles or tiles, which protect from water, wind, dust and snow. In the case of a hot roof it is important that the waterproof under-tile sheet is breathable so as to avoid winter accumulation and condensation of water vapor from inside the building