CasaClima Gold Nature in a Natural Park
CasaClima Gold Nature in a Natural Park

CasaClima Gold Nature in a Natural Park. NZEB building with high energy performance

In the Circeo National Park, renovation works coordinated by the architect Federico Lestini in collaboration with the company Posaclima, are carried out with high-performance enclosures that guarantee high internal comfort.

The single-family building, located in the province of Latina is renovated and equipped with a framed structure made of reinforced concrete with honeycomb brick cladding and external coat. The main purpose of the renovation was to create an NZEB building with high energy performance, compatible with the constraints of protection and enhancement provided by the Park Authority

CasaClima Gold Nature in a Natural Park

In compliance with the requirements for CasaClima Gold Nature certification, the designer and the energy consultant have designed a high-performance casing with low environmental impact, capable of guaranteeing a high level of comfort and indoor air quality

CasaClima Gold Nature in a Natural Park

The CasaClima Nature building is certified both from the energy point of view and in relation to the impact on the environment and the health of the people who live there. In order to guarantee comfort and cleanliness of the rooms, precise requirements are imposed for indoor air quality, acoustic comfort, lighting and protection from radon gas. Materials and systems used in construction must also be environmentally friendly

CasaClima Gold Nature in a Natural Park

One of the key points of the project was the use of the PosaClima Premium Plus system, used to lay the windows, which guarantees a very high level of airtightness of the casing. The combination of Hannoband BG1 self-expanding tape and Hannoband 3E-UA membranes guarantees the air permeability of the window and door frame installed in Class 4, which is the maximum seal class for opening joints

CasaClima Gold Nature in a Natural Park

On the other hand, thanks to the double sealant PosaClima MS Powerflex 25, an MS Polymer-based sealant and the closed-cell PVC foam tape PosaClimaVitoseal, it was possible to guarantee an adequate seal against stagnant water. The installation features that guarantee comfort and energy saving are guaranteed for 10 years

CasaClima Gold Nature in a Natural Park

The installation knots and particularly the primary counterframe-wall joint which is sealed with plaster door profiles inside and outside to guarantee excellent air and watertightness levels is insulated with the special U ElasticaPosaClimaElastoschaum foam, which guarantees high levels of thermoacoustic insulation. All materials are compatible with the CasaClima Nature protocol and certified Emicode EC1 Plus.

CasaClima Gold Nature in a Natural Park
