Lorenzo Pagliano
From 2010 – ongoing Full time Associate Professor (National Habilitation to Full Professorship in 2018)
Politecnico di Milano, Energy Department (32, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 20132, Milano, www.polimi.it)
▪ Responsible of the Chair of “Advanced Building Physics” (International course, in English language) in
the Architectural Engineering track of the AUIC school
▪ Director of the Master Course RIDEF (Renewables, Decentralised energy planning and Efficiency)
since 2013
▪ Director of the end-use Efficiency Research Group.
▪ The research activity has focused since 1990 on technologies and policy tools for the reduction of
anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts via rationalization of enduses of energy.
▪ Research has included :
▪ methodologies of analysis and optimisation of the energy performance and comfort of buildings with a
focus on passive and envelope technologies both for new buildings and renovations
▪ critical contribution to the definition of indicators and criteria for cost-optimal buildings, nearly Zero
Energy Buildings (nZEB) and Positive Energy Districts
▪ analysis of the implications of improvements of thermal envelope and heat recovery on ventilation on
flexibility and passive survivability indexes
▪ analysis of Demand Side Flexibility (DSF), i.e. flexible use of energy by customers based on price and
other signals about grid congestion and availability of (locally generated or from the grid) renewable
energy, with the aim of enhancing the options for integration of intermittent renewables
▪ analysis of implications of climate change on effective design of passive techniques
▪ analysis of technologies for increasing efficiency in the end use of electrical energy
▪ energy and comfort monitoring and surveys of comfort sensations in buildings
▪ analysis of user behaviour and its influence on the energy balance of buildings
▪ integration of technical and sociological elements in the design and analysis of smart cities
▪ analytical support to the development of policies and regulation aimed at reducing the end use of
energy and improving flexibility in time of use
▪ Post Occupancy Surveys and analytical support to the drafting of international standards on comfort
models and their implications on energy use
Business or sector Academic education and research
Curriculum Vitae Lorenzo Pagliano
© European Union, 2002-2012 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 2 / 11
From 1990 to 2009 Full time Researcher
Politecnico di Milano, Energy Department (32, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 20132, Milano, www.polimi.it)
▪ Assistant and, later on, responsible of a series of courses in Thermodynamics, Heat transfer and
Building Physics (in Italian and English Language)
▪ One of the four founders of the Master Course RIDEF (Renewables, Decentralised energy planning
and Efficiency) in 2003, Vice-Director since 2010
▪ Founder in 1996 and Director since then of the end-use Efficiency Research Group
▪ Research activities in the same areas as described above
Business or sector Academic education and research
From 1993 to 2017 Analysis and advice on drafting Energy Policy legislation
▪ 2015-2017, drafting for the European Council for an Efficient Economy (eceee) various technical
documents as contribution to the recast of EPBD and supporting various MEPs, Estonian Presidency,
DG Energy officials on the drafing of Annex I of EPBD, dealing with definition of Energy performance of
Buildings. Some of those elements have been than summarized into a report for Building
Performance Institute Europe “Calculating Energy Performance. Chapt. 5 of Implementing the EPBD”
▪ 2012-2013, One of the main researchers drafting the Report to EU Commission (DG-Energy)
“Towards nearly zero-energy buildings. Definition of common principles under the EPBD” (tender by
DG-Energy) European Commission; 2013. Available from:
▪ 2006-2007, promoted and coordinated at EU level a field testing of the EN15251 procedure for
assigning comfort categories to buildings within the Commoncense and KeepCool projects. Results
were fed into the process of revision of standard EN15251 (on thermal and lighting comfort). Many of
the amendments proposed were actually accepted by the drafting committee and incorporated in the
final EN15251.
▪ 2002-2003, Collaborated with staff of DG TREN on the drafting of the “Directive on promotion of
energy efficiency and energy services”. Developed analysis on the effect of different tariff structures on
the possibility for Utilities to generate extra-profits when increasing sales and to what extent unbundling
and retail liberalisation would render decoupling of revenues from sales less effective.
▪ 1999-2001, advisor to the Italian Ministry for the Environment on the drafting of the Laws setting details
for the implementation of DSM targets for electric and gas distribution utilities, including the set up of
“Tradable Energy Efficiency Certificates”, so called “White Certificates” and proposals for decoupling
profit from sales of Distribution Companies charged with the obligation to save energy. The
mechanism is still in place in 2019, being the largest contributor to energy saving achievements of Italy,
and is part of the Energy and Climate Plan under discussion.
▪ 1993 – 1997, advice to various Italian Members of Parliament and the Electricity and Gas Regulatory
Authority on tariff structures for promotion of energy efficiency and feedback to customers
From 1985 to 1986
Professor of Physics and Mathematics in high Schools
Ministry of Public Education
Business or sector Secondary education
From 1979 to 1984
Swimming Instructor
Municipal Government of Asti -Italy
From 2010 – ongoing Full time Associate Professor (National Habilitation to Full Professorship in 2018)
Politecnico di Milano, Energy Department (32, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 20132, Milano, www.polimi.it)
▪ Responsible of the Chair of “Advanced Building Physics” (International course, in English language) in
the Architectural Engineering track of the AUIC school
▪ Director of the Master Course RIDEF (Renewables, Decentralised energy planning and Efficiency)
since 2013
▪ Director of the end-use Efficiency Research Group.
▪ The research activity has focused since 1990 on technologies and policy tools for the reduction of
anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts via rationalization of enduses of energy.
▪ Research has included :
▪ methodologies of analysis and optimisation of the energy performance and comfort of buildings with a
focus on passive and envelope technologies both for new buildings and renovations
▪ critical contribution to the definition of indicators and criteria for cost-optimal buildings, nearly Zero
Energy Buildings (nZEB) and Positive Energy Districts
▪ analysis of the implications of improvements of thermal envelope and heat recovery on ventilation on
flexibility and passive survivability indexes
▪ analysis of Demand Side Flexibility (DSF), i.e. flexible use of energy by customers based on price and
other signals about grid congestion and availability of (locally generated or from the grid) renewable
energy, with the aim of enhancing the options for integration of intermittent renewables
▪ analysis of implications of climate change on effective design of passive techniques
▪ analysis of technologies for increasing efficiency in the end use of electrical energy
▪ energy and comfort monitoring and surveys of comfort sensations in buildings
▪ analysis of user behaviour and its influence on the energy balance of buildings
▪ integration of technical and sociological elements in the design and analysis of smart cities
▪ analytical support to the development of policies and regulation aimed at reducing the end use of
energy and improving flexibility in time of use
▪ Post Occupancy Surveys and analytical support to the drafting of international standards on comfort
models and their implications on energy use
Business or sector Academic education and research
Curriculum Vitae Lorenzo Pagliano
© European Union, 2002-2012 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 2 / 11
From 1990 to 2009 Full time Researcher
Politecnico di Milano, Energy Department (32, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 20132, Milano, www.polimi.it)
▪ Assistant and, later on, responsible of a series of courses in Thermodynamics, Heat transfer and
Building Physics (in Italian and English Language)
▪ One of the four founders of the Master Course RIDEF (Renewables, Decentralised energy planning
and Efficiency) in 2003, Vice-Director since 2010
▪ Founder in 1996 and Director since then of the end-use Efficiency Research Group
▪ Research activities in the same areas as described above
Business or sector Academic education and research
From 1993 to 2017 Analysis and advice on drafting Energy Policy legislation
▪ 2015-2017, drafting for the European Council for an Efficient Economy (eceee) various technical
documents as contribution to the recast of EPBD and supporting various MEPs, Estonian Presidency,
DG Energy officials on the drafing of Annex I of EPBD, dealing with definition of Energy performance of
Buildings. Some of those elements have been than summarized into a report for Building
Performance Institute Europe “Calculating Energy Performance. Chapt. 5 of Implementing the EPBD”
▪ 2012-2013, One of the main researchers drafting the Report to EU Commission (DG-Energy)
“Towards nearly zero-energy buildings. Definition of common principles under the EPBD” (tender by
DG-Energy) European Commission; 2013. Available from:
▪ 2006-2007, promoted and coordinated at EU level a field testing of the EN15251 procedure for
assigning comfort categories to buildings within the Commoncense and KeepCool projects. Results
were fed into the process of revision of standard EN15251 (on thermal and lighting comfort). Many of
the amendments proposed were actually accepted by the drafting committee and incorporated in the
final EN15251.
▪ 2002-2003, Collaborated with staff of DG TREN on the drafting of the “Directive on promotion of
energy efficiency and energy services”. Developed analysis on the effect of different tariff structures on
the possibility for Utilities to generate extra-profits when increasing sales and to what extent unbundling
and retail liberalisation would render decoupling of revenues from sales less effective.
▪ 1999-2001, advisor to the Italian Ministry for the Environment on the drafting of the Laws setting details
for the implementation of DSM targets for electric and gas distribution utilities, including the set up of
“Tradable Energy Efficiency Certificates”, so called “White Certificates” and proposals for decoupling
profit from sales of Distribution Companies charged with the obligation to save energy. The
mechanism is still in place in 2019, being the largest contributor to energy saving achievements of Italy,
and is part of the Energy and Climate Plan under discussion.
▪ 1993 – 1997, advice to various Italian Members of Parliament and the Electricity and Gas Regulatory
Authority on tariff structures for promotion of energy efficiency and feedback to customers
From 1985 to 1986
Professor of Physics and Mathematics in high Schools
Ministry of Public Education
Business or sector Secondary education
From 1979 to 1984
Swimming Instructor
Municipal Government of Asti -Italy