Mario Cunial
[email protected]
Treviso, Italia
From 2015 project coordinator LIFE Herotile, acronym of High Energy Savings in building cooling by Roof Tilles, shape optimization (http://www.lifetile.eu/it/), LIFE program within the Climate Change Adaptation.
Since 2012 Vice President of ANDIL (National Association of Industrial
Laterizi), delegate for relations with Europe.
Since 2012 Chairman of TBE Shell Group, reconfirmed in June 2016.
Since 2012 Director of the Italian Federation of Confindustria Ceramica ANDIL.
Since October 2008 appointed Executive Committee Executive Committee
Governing Body of the European Federation of Brick and Tile Manufacturers (TBE) in representation of Italy.
Since 2001 Vice President and Manager of Industrie Cotto Possagno S.p.A., a company leader in Italy for terracotta roofs and:
• Head of Production Coordination Group I.C.P.
• Employer of the innovative production plant ILCA
• Managing Director of the Quality Team - Environment - Safety - Ethics, the
• Managing director for research and development of products and systems.
Industrie Cotto Possagno is the first Italian group for m2 of brick roofing
Since 1992 member of several CEN TC groups for the standardization of
European regulations on roofing products as an expert dell'UNI, (Ente Nazionale Italiano di Normazione), first as Commissioner, now as Head of Delegation representing UNI, in CEN TC 128 SC3.
From 2004 to 2014 President of Fornace San Michele s.r.l.
From 1993 to 2000 President of the Laterizi Group - Lime and Cement of
province of Treviso and member of the Provincial Council Industrial Association of
From 1993 to 1997 Vice-president ANDIL Tile Section (Association Nazionale Degli Industriali Laterizi). Since November 1994 I am ANDIL appointed to the Committee of the Presidency in 1996.
Since 1994 collaboration with ANDIL for the normative characterization of brick products.
In November 1998 he was appointed Vice President for 2000-2002 of T.B.E., the European Association of Brick Manufacturers.
From 1993 to 2006 he was a member of the Regional Grouping for Extractive Activities of the Veneto Federation of Industrialists and from 1995 to 2006 in
Board of Directors.
In 1997 the Regional Group for the Clays of Veneto was created and was appointed Vice-president. From 2002 to 2007 President of the Regional Group for the Clays of Veneto within the Federation of Industrialists of Veneto.
From 1997 to 2001 responsible for ANDIL of the Activities Commission Extractive, resulting in the overcoming of the emergency authorization in many Italian regions.
From 1994 to 2011 member of the Commission for the Review of Analyses, of
Costs and the Pre-financing of the Building Works and related products of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso.
From 1994 to 1996 he was responsible for the implementation of the Business Quality System Cunial Antonio and ILCA plants of the pilot project promoted by Andil, for the certification of brick companies according to the UNI EN 29000 standard, now ISO 9002.
From 1992 to 1998 managed the development and implementation of new products and responsible for the management of the market in Southern Italy and Sicily for Cunial Antonio ILCA S.p.A.
Since 2012 Vice President of ANDIL (National Association of Industrial
Laterizi), delegate for relations with Europe.
Since 2012 Chairman of TBE Shell Group, reconfirmed in June 2016.
Since 2012 Director of the Italian Federation of Confindustria Ceramica ANDIL.
Since October 2008 appointed Executive Committee Executive Committee
Governing Body of the European Federation of Brick and Tile Manufacturers (TBE) in representation of Italy.
Since 2001 Vice President and Manager of Industrie Cotto Possagno S.p.A., a company leader in Italy for terracotta roofs and:
• Head of Production Coordination Group I.C.P.
• Employer of the innovative production plant ILCA
• Managing Director of the Quality Team - Environment - Safety - Ethics, the
• Managing director for research and development of products and systems.
Industrie Cotto Possagno is the first Italian group for m2 of brick roofing
Since 1992 member of several CEN TC groups for the standardization of
European regulations on roofing products as an expert dell'UNI, (Ente Nazionale Italiano di Normazione), first as Commissioner, now as Head of Delegation representing UNI, in CEN TC 128 SC3.
From 2004 to 2014 President of Fornace San Michele s.r.l.
From 1993 to 2000 President of the Laterizi Group - Lime and Cement of
province of Treviso and member of the Provincial Council Industrial Association of
From 1993 to 1997 Vice-president ANDIL Tile Section (Association Nazionale Degli Industriali Laterizi). Since November 1994 I am ANDIL appointed to the Committee of the Presidency in 1996.
Since 1994 collaboration with ANDIL for the normative characterization of brick products.
In November 1998 he was appointed Vice President for 2000-2002 of T.B.E., the European Association of Brick Manufacturers.
From 1993 to 2006 he was a member of the Regional Grouping for Extractive Activities of the Veneto Federation of Industrialists and from 1995 to 2006 in
Board of Directors.
In 1997 the Regional Group for the Clays of Veneto was created and was appointed Vice-president. From 2002 to 2007 President of the Regional Group for the Clays of Veneto within the Federation of Industrialists of Veneto.
From 1997 to 2001 responsible for ANDIL of the Activities Commission Extractive, resulting in the overcoming of the emergency authorization in many Italian regions.
From 1994 to 2011 member of the Commission for the Review of Analyses, of
Costs and the Pre-financing of the Building Works and related products of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso.
From 1994 to 1996 he was responsible for the implementation of the Business Quality System Cunial Antonio and ILCA plants of the pilot project promoted by Andil, for the certification of brick companies according to the UNI EN 29000 standard, now ISO 9002.
From 1992 to 1998 managed the development and implementation of new products and responsible for the management of the market in Southern Italy and Sicily for Cunial Antonio ILCA S.p.A.
1986: Degree in Business Administration
at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
1981 Diploma of Surveyor
at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
1981 Diploma of Surveyor