The 27+14 renovation by Spanish firm Agora arquitectura consists, first of all, of painstaking removal work that can be described as almost archaeological. All elements built and installed in the periods following the building's construction are removed; then by installing the systems necessary for the new dwellings in the traces of the demolished walls or in external conduits to protect the original floors, a new housing program appropriate to our times is created that coexists, peacefully and with balance, with the ghost of the past

27+14 treasures resurfaced from 1872 building on Montcada Street in Barcelona
Restoration of 8 floors, 150sqm each, of a residential building built in 1872. The name of the 27+14 project derives from the exhumation of 14 splendid Nolla mosaics and 27 plumbing pieces of great chromatic richness discovered by stripping the building of all its posthumous interventions
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In addition to tile, carpet and laminate floors that are removed from the original floors, false ceilings are also removed, bringing to light in some areas coffers and cornices, which it is decided to preserve, and in others the iron beam structure that is left exposed. Windows and doors are almost completely preserved. When this is not possible, they are replaced in whole or in part by new pine woodwork that shows their materiality in the space

During the retreat of the posts, it is decided to add to the proposal some presences that explain the memory of the place: this is the case of the blue room, the green textures or some paintings of fabulous chromatic richness that appeared by pickling some walls

In the mood board of 27+14, local marble stands out for the countertops of the new kitchens, 15x15 glazed tiles for the hood cladding, and wood for the cabinets, establishing connections with the singular past of these rooms. In the bathrooms, continuity is given to this intention: marble for the sink, glazed tiles for the walls, and three-ply fir wood for the cabinets

Photo credits
Top image, content and gallery images: Adrià Goulà + AGORA
Drawings: AGORA Arquitectura