Surrounded by the woods of Tossal d'Isòvol and Baltarga, the design by Àgora Arquitectura for the housing unit CB17 weekend retreat presents an environmentally conscious dwelling concept: on one hand, due to its minimized energy consumption; on the other, because of its limited land use and the externalization of most communal services aimed at preserving communal spaces, thereby enhancing social interactions

CB17 weekend retreat with sustainable and prefabricated design
The project involves the construction of CB17 weekend retreat, designed to enjoy leisure time, on a small plot within a camping area in the Catalan Pyrenees, situated at the confluence of the Duran and Segre rivers
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Àgora's CB17 weekend retreat features three clearly distinct areas. At the front, continuing the flow of social interactions from the outside, a single volume encompasses the public living and kitchen area. This space, akin to a large porch, opens to the outdoors through three sliding doors

At the back, two bedroom/bunks and a storage room are tucked away in the most private area of the house, reminiscent of the compact spaces in caravans. In the intermediate section, there is a services strip, housing a toilet, sink, and shower, all enclosed in pass-through cubicles. The designers see prefabrication as a measure to optimize resources by minimizing waste and to save time (30 days for construction), reduce costs, and achieve greater precision

The retreat is constructed with an outermost layer, a tubular structure measuring 60x60mm, made up of 1.5x1.5 m modules. There is an inner layer lining the walls and ceilings made of OSB that creates a continuous envelope, ideal for countering the dissipation of internal heat. And an intermediate layer consists of expanded cork skin, providing the construction with a continuous insulation that blends seamlessly with the wooded surroundings

Photo credits
Top image, content and gallery images: Agora arquitectura
Drawings: Agora arquitectura