Building a family home in Cesky raj turned out to be a unique and very pleasant job because of its unique setting, from the very first moment the designers met the client. Stempel & Tesar architekti design an elementary geometry wooden house in the Czech Republic

House in Czech Republic. Wood and stone enhance tradition
Stempel & Tesar Architekti are designing a wooden house with an elementary geometry in the Czech Republic. The architects recreate the housing typology of the local history, enhancing it with the main materials: wood and stone
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- #Chalet / Maison de vacances>
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Unique location, surrounded by greenery, adjacent to a forest with panoramic views of the northern forests, protected by the constraint of the urban landscape with very regulatory laws which are also exciting at the same time

The meticulous design presented to the authorities involved a detailed study of the openings, the relationships between the width and height of the openings. Many other elements of construction were described with the same precision with the same level of detail

The project was inspired by the characteristics of the local historical architecture, so half of the house is made of stone and half of wood, this duality comes from the original division between the house and an accessory space, now a workshop that was once a barn

A simple sloping roof covers the entire volume of the building. The roof cladding is made of highly weatherproof titanium-zinc sheets

The volume of the house has a simple geometry, the final design is a pure form with no additional elements added

The shape is typical of the traditional construction of the area. The characteristics are based on the principles of the local vernacular architecture. The house is divided into two levels of equal size and are both used as homes