The building is used for large-scale projects undertaken by the architectural firm, and for the design/workshop that Invisibile Studio organises, including the annual studio in the woods

Laboratory in the United Kingdom. An exercise in constructive efficiency
A new laboratory, a prototype, built by Invisible Studio to complete the work carried out by the forest studio, uses seasoned spruce wood, grown and processed in Bath in the UK.
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The project is the first in a series which uses timber from the same section. The building is called "Ghost Barn", using wood from the same section for everything, and was a real exercise in construction efficiency, built in less than two weeks.

The project also deals with the subject of Piers Taylor's doctorate: exploring contingencies that emerge through the implementation of the project. Once again, this project has had a minimalist design, leaving much to be determined specifically by the construction team

The project is clad in impact-resistant fibreglass and corrugated steel, which reflects the material used for the construction of the existing local agricultural sheds, giving the project an ambiguity that allows it to appear both familiar and extraordinary