The redevelopment proposal for Casa La Toscalera is not intended to maintain an unchanging image of the historic town; instead, it proposes a controlled change that allows for evolution without erasing the essence of the place. Architect Alejandro Beautell, who is in charge of the intervention, preserves and enhances in his project the architectural values of the building: its volume, street-facing facade, and materiality. Keeping true to the traditional architecture of the place, the new dwelling is designed with a house-patio scheme

Casa La Toscalera. The evolution of a traditional Canarian house-patio but without erasing the essence of the place
We are in El Toscal, a somewhat forgotten neighborhood of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, declared a historic site but without a special urban plan. The project concerns the renovation of a 1912 house in a state of disrepair, Casa La Toscalera
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The existing small ventilation patio is enlarged, occupying the entire transverse center line of the building-side to side of the lot-becoming the true center of the house.
The second floor of the building is set back from the façade line, reducing its presence on the street and generating a terrace for the master bedroom

As is common in traditional Canary architecture, the staircase is located on the left side of the gallery open to the patio. The first step of the staircase differs from the others, recalling that basalt so common in old Canarian houses.
As for the moodboard of materials, architect Bautell chooses to leave the existing walls of the envelope bare, with exposed brick, or finished with lime mortar. The part of the La Toscalera House built new is made of concrete left exposed with different finishes

Photo credits
Top image, content and gallery images: Flavio Dorta
Drawings: Alejandro Beautell Arquitecto