The materials and shapes of the project are inspired by the shapes of the river, located near the Pescara river. Starting from the entrance, the visitor is invited into a new environment, where there is a glass floor suspended over the underlying nature

Innovative structure dedicated to physical activity. Transparent walls and sinuous shapes characterize the space
Architect Gaspare Verna was commissioned by two dear friends to build a new, innovative structure dedicated to physical activity, Moveo, the result of in-depth studies of the context, materials to be used, architectural and regulatory constraints while respecting the client's wishes
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The curved walls, transparent on one side and opaque on the other that are made mainly from microlamellar beech wood, native trees and reminiscent of the natural forms of the area. Thanks to the effects of transparencies as soon as the user enters, they can enjoy a complete overview of all the activities and services offered by the facility

All the materials used for partition walls and flooring are structural and have no cladding, fully expressing their structural strength and natural beauty. The circular reinforced concrete pillars themselves are left free to express themselves in their original colours and morphology