The design brief demanded a highly collaborative working environment for the company's 800 employees. The design adhered to global sustainability guidelines and maximized building performance to reduce the carbon footprint

Workspace in Hong Kong. Innovative solutions for comfort and flexibility
Bean Buro was commissioned to design L'Oréal's headquarters in Asia and sought to reinterpret the company's French roots, promoting wellness and flexible working styles through the use of several innovative solutions
- #Asie>
- #Jamaïque>
- #Siège social>
- #Bois>
- #Pierre>
- #Couleur>
- #Intérieur>
- #Architectures>
- #Architecture>

The design was inspired by the Parisian concept of "inhabiting" urban blocks to benefit from natural light and views as well as traditional Chinese gardens, with its wooden ceilings and slatted screened walls differentiating public and private spaces

To this end, the staircase, around which the spaces are dotted is clad in full-height vertical wooden slats that serve as a strong and noticeable architectural connective element for the company's four floors

The use of colors was carefully considered throughout the project to ensure elegance and consistency with subtle color distinctions for the different floors to enhance visual identification and intuitive detection

Acoustics and lighting are carefully crafted, as is the environmental design that prioritizes the well-being of users by improving the quality of air, light and sound. The overall design process is highly interactive to explore the full potential of the project