Residential complex with perforated sheet facade
Residential complex with perforated sheet facade

Social residence in Vienna. The project promotes social aggregation

Nerma Linsberger ZTGMBH is planning a "Residential Housing" in Vienna to promote community life. In addition to apartments, the building consists of communal areas such as meeting rooms and outdoor areas, a V-shaped courtyard divides the building longitudinally

"Sakura" also received several awards. Its central location at an important junction makes it a strategic building. An intervention on the existing building has provided better conditions for exposure to light and sun. A V-shaped courtyard divides the building longitudinally so that all paths to the access balconies and ancillary areas are concentrated around it.

Residential complex with perforated sheet facade

The openness and dynamics of the spatial structure can increase the size of the apartment by aggregation. Type B apartments can in fact be grouped into larger units, each with its own sanitary facilities. It is possible to connect the rooms between the type B and C apartments or combine them together in a single space. The apartments are very compactly designed and economically optimized.

Residential complex with perforated sheet facade

The project has a differentiated system of meeting and conference rooms with varying degrees of privacy, such as community rooms and community kitchens. The spatial connectivity development scheme results in small, easy-to-manage neighbourhoods. The great diversity of free spaces reinforces the identity of the inhabitants with their residential complex.

Residential complex with perforated sheet facade


Nerma Linsberger ZTGMBH

Nerma Linsberger ZTGMBH

Leopold-Rister-Gasse 5, 1050 Wien, Austria