The original plan of the building was slightly distorted. Each floor was transformed into a unique space and the ground floor constituted of the social space connected with the garden

Granite shack turned into a house. Distorted plan and bucolic garden
The project of the fala architecture studio saw the transformation of a small granite building surrounded by a bucolic garden into a house, where each floor is a unique space, connected to the others through a spiral staircase
- #Habitation>
- #Rénovation>
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The only volume that was added was a monumental tower, with a toilet on the ground floor and a luxurious shower on the upper floor which contrasted with the original volume

The materials and colours used were very simple: white walls, wood for the floors, marble notes here and there. The white and pink triangles characterize the exterior and contrast with the tranquility of the stone. The new cover, a metal plate, maintains the angle of the original one