BEAR Progetti
Via Milano, 36 - 23032 Bormio (SO) - Italie
Enrico Bellotti is the architect who gives his name to the BEARprogetti, based in Bormio, in the Province of Sondrio. In 2005 he obtained the Master's Degree in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Milan and in 2008, after some work experience, he obtained the qualification to practice the profession. In the following years he attended various training and refresher courses including the one that enabled the coordination of safety on construction sites and that of an energy certification of buildings accredited for the Lombardy Region. In 2013 he participated in the training courses set up by the ClimateHouse Agency of the Province of Bolzano, earning the title of Junior ClimateHouse Expert to nurture a profound interest in the knowledge of the constant evolution to which the construction world is subject and in order to offer the Customer a design technologically advanced and in step with the times. The BEAR PROGETTI Design Laboratory has among its main objectives that of deepening the themes of contemporary residential design and that of enhancing the historical characteristics of buildings subjected to restructuring, restoration and reuse. In 2012, with the “SMART BEAR DESIGN” brand, in collaboration with the artisan company MOBILART of Bormio, it participates in the event that takes place in the heart of the city of Milan in parallel with the Salone Internazionale del Mobile. In the location of SuperStudioPiù in Via Tortona it exhibits some original pieces, the result of close collaboration with the artisan during the realization of some interior design projects in new and renovated buildings. The architect has participated, over the years, in some competitions of ideas that have allowed him to deepen a design approach based on that architectural experimentation that in professional practice is often lacking. The Laboratory deals with every new project with passion and great enthusiasm, finding the best idea to meet the needs of the customer. Through the use of drawings in plan and section, three-dimensional drawings, photographic simulations, freehand sketches and scale models, the Architect manages to establish a dialogue with the Client based on the mutual exchange of information and opinions