+ tongtong
106-35 Golden Ave Toronto, ON M6R 2J5 Canada
+tongtong is a multi-disciplinary design studio driven by a sense of possibility and a passion for developing spaces that nurture and inspire creativity. Every project aims to transform the physical environment into a dynamic discovery that is both highly functional and rich with cultural meaning.
+tongtong employs a collaborative process in the development and realization of their projects and champions their clients as integral partners along with artists, architects, cultural activators, business people, consultants, fabricators, builders and scientists. Through the understanding of business, art, design, technology, and culture, +tongtong believes that innovation is possible for every project. In the design process +tongtong is always a project’s first user.
Under the leadership of founding principal John Tong, +tongtong is fuelled by the fervor for discovery, a love of visual art and culture and a desire to realize unexpected and captivating spaces. Beginning with a project’s vision and functional requirements, +tongtong investigates and builds immersive experiences addressing all facets of design, including architecture, interiors, furnishings, lighting, art, accessories, branding, music, and fashion. The resulting projects have been known not just for their unique, fresh, and timeless designs but also for their ability to express the essence of their client’s values while contributing to entrepreneurial and business success.
+ tongtong è una visionaria interior design firmata dal preside John Tong (B. Architecture from University of Toronto). L'azienda crea spazi e oggetti ispirati al concept. Il loro portafoglio comprende ristoranti, bar, hotel, negozi, case personalizzate e progetti di sviluppo residenziale in Nord America e in Europa. Recentemente sono stati premiati Drake Devonshire Inn, Her Majesty's Pleasure, Barsa Taverna, Batch for Molson Canada e Zn house. + tongtong sta attualmente lavorando a più progetti per le proprietà del Drake Hotel, tra cui un commissario e un bar, un mini bar "dal giorno alla notte" e un ampliamento dell'attuale Hotel Drake con Diamond Schmitt Architects. Altri progetti includono un hotel in Svezia, un cottage di lusso a Muskoka con lo Star Architect Todd Saunders e vari progetti di sviluppo multi-residenziale in tutto il Canada. + tongtong ha ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti internazionali tra cui: la nomination ai James Beard Awards per il miglior design del ristorante, Hospitality Design HD Awards tra cui Best of Show, Best Spa, Best Guest room e Best Hotel, e Gold Key Awards per Best hotel e Best guest room. È stato anche il vincitore del miglior bar al Restaurant and Bar Awards e nominato per la migliore piccola vendita al dettaglio e la migliore piccola casa dalla rivista ID. In Canada, + tongtong è stato premiato con diversi premi dal Design Exchange e dal Best of Canada nonché dal Best Restaurant e Best Hotel Suite di EnRoute Magazine.