Beatrice Pierallini Architects
Viuzzo dei Bruni, 50133 Firenze, Italia
Active in Italy and abroad, it makes use of the internal and external collaboration of architects, engineers and consultants. Currently the studio is engaged in the design of hotels, residences, shops, image-coordinated, for which both the architectural part and the interior design are elaborated. He has won many prizes in architectural competitions, including the competition of ideas "The square of the university center of Folcara, Cassino (FR)" of 2011 - 1st place. Competition of ideas "Refunctionalization of Palazzo Ina and furniture of Piazza San Giovanni" in Ragusa 2010 - 2nd place. Beatrice Pierallini graduated in Florence and began working with numerous studies. From 1996 he joined the Claudio Nardi studio, with which he is an associate in Claudio Nardi Associates and with whom he collaborated until 2005. In 2005 his daughter Palmira Leonella was born, in the same year she founded with Davide Virdis, architect and photographer, the M. ZuLou graphic. In 2006 he writes La camera da letto, Rome, the library of the Republic, published as a supplement to the newspaper La Repubblica as part of a series of 10 volumes called "la casa". In 2007 he opened his own studio, active in Italy and abroad