Dekleva Gregorič Arhitekti
Dalmatinova ulica 111000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dekleva Gregorič architects is Ljubljana-based architecture studio established by Aljoša Dekleva and Tina Gregorič in 2003. Their design approach attempts to pursue the concept of ‘research by design’ and ‘design by research’ spanning on several modes (spatial, social, material, historical...), different scales and programs as well as diverse climates and localities. The understanding of specific constrains and conditions of the context becomes the ultimate generative tool that aims to challenge the obvious and to propose specific response. They utilize a systematic design approach to establish an intense structuring of space and to challenge the use of materials by exposing their primary natures.The user’s experience of architecture and participation is practice’s central objective. The topics of new collectivity, sharing, participation and collaboration frame the social position of architecture that aims to stimulate new interaction with the users or between the users and encourage users’ participation in the design process and customization to users’ needs