Gregory Orekhov's “Crossroads,” made of polycarbonate and painted over with marking paint, is a crossing across the river, among fields which seemingly have no end. This land art object is located in the Moscow region, in the area of Nikolina Gora. With this work, the artist raises the question of social, ethical and environmental behaviour

Design as the freedom of choice: a "Crossroads" between nature-life and the catastrophe of unbridled capitalism
The symbolic meaning of crossroads deals with choice, a twist of fate that establishes the preordained path in life. It is a place where space and time intertwine

The 21st century has faced itself with acute problems of capital constructions, which
contradicts the basic principles of urbanism and summons a lot of controversy and
discontent among local residents. In pursuit of non-ecological development of the economy, the authorities allow more and more ground to be built upon, the nature of which is illegally destroyed for the purpose of self-gain without any clarity or thought

“Crossroads” is an attempt to turn the world's attention towards heritage preservation and to remind people about the ability of choice. Gregory Orekhov stands at the crossroads between the quiet, foggy natural world and an impending catastrophe. The object is situated at the intersection of historic events that took place here at the time of the Second World War, and those that are yet to come

This installation is not a personal reflection, more so, it is something that each of us
encounters on a daily basis. This is about the unrestrained transformation of the space around, because of which, tomorrow, we can forever lose memorial places, favourite facades, birch groves, and fields that stretch into infinity, for the sake of saturation of the capitalist machine

Photo credits
Top image: Ilya Ivanov
Content Images: 1, 3, 4 Konstantin Antipin - 2 Ilya Ivanov
Gallery images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 Konstantin Antipin - 7, 8, 10 Ilya Ivanov