The project was born from the need to enlarge an apartment, with only two bedrooms and join it to another adjacent one, thus creating a single residence on two levels with the aim of creating more generous and flexible common and intimate spaces

Natural light for an apartment in Lisbon. Linear sequence to free up space
Two apartments merge to offer new scenarios and new ways of living. The Camarin studio re-elaborates the spaces starting from the study of light and how it liberates itself in the environments in sequence, by widening windows and opening skylights
- #Europe>
- #Portugal>
- #Apartment>
- #Habitation>
- #Penthouse>
- #Interior>
- #Restyling>
- #Stone>
- #Wood>
- #Glass>
- #Architectures>
- #Interior Design>

The apartment upstairs had a living room with a small balcony and an attic pantry without natural light and ventilation. A single door connected the attic to the living room and the small balcony window made the space dark and suffocating. The aim of the project is to convert this apartment into a bedroom with a private bathroom with a hammam, living room and a small kitchen to enable it to remain at the top, without having to go to the main common space downstairs

To provide light, the balcony window was enlarged and a large skylight in the attic was opened and the wall between the living room and the attic was removed. The result is that a gloomy apartment was flooded with light from dawn to dusk

The light coming from the balcony and skylight thus reaches every corner and so, instead of separating the bedroom with corridors and doors, the spaces are arranged in a linear sequence, divided by filters such as reflecting glass or see-throughs, translucent curtains and shutters

Every space has its own materiality: synthetic self-levelling floor in the living room, marble in the hammam and teak wood in the bedroom. Natural and artificial light conditions, as well as the actual arrangement of the filters, influence their appearance: at different times the same space can be reflective and opaque or bright and transparent