In the beginning, there was the worm! The Worm Garden as a tribute to the earthworms
In the beginning, there was the worm! The Worm Garden as a tribute to the earthworms

In the beginning, there was the worm! The Worm Garden as a tribute to the earthworms

The Worm Garden is the careful project of a natural habitat that showcases the essential life processes that worms, along with other species, activate in their interaction with the ecosystem

Revitalizing the landscape

The Worm Garden, designed by Renna Studio, is located in the garden of Agliè Castle, Turin. Presented during the "Rethinking the Landscape" festival, it captures the focus of reinventing and revitalizing the landscape, proposing an educational garden that encourages us to adopt a deeper and more connected perspective with the natural world, the same "perspective" as the precious insects that produce humus

In the beginning, there was the worm! The Worm Garden as a tribute to the earthworms

Equilibrium ecosystems

Earthworms perform a fundamental role in the ecosystem: they aerate the soil, oxygenating it, and produce humus, a substance extremely rich in organic and mineral compounds. In addition to being essential in the food chain, feeding a multitude of animals, their presence ensures fertile and hospitable soil for other forms of life, contributing to the establishment of balanced and active ecosystems. The Worm Garden replicates their natural habitat, helping visitors understand the intricate dynamics underlying a vibrant and healthy landscape, constantly evolving

In the beginning, there was the worm! The Worm Garden as a tribute to the earthworms

Educational Garden design

Along the perimeter of the garden, there is a circular border made of standard bricks, built dry, which also serves as seating. A variety of carefully chosen plants, designed to attract insects, are placed within the enclosure in pots covered with a layer of foliage, creating a diverse topography within the garden. A mixture of bark, dry leaves, and branches forms the organic mulch that covers the garden, providing vital support to the new habitat created. A tree trunk and various rocks complete the composition, offering sustenance and shelter to various species

In the beginning, there was the worm! The Worm Garden as a tribute to the earthworms
