Requalification of Corso Libertà Superiore in Merano. A drawing of silence
Requalification of Corso Libertà Superiore in Merano. A drawing of silence

Requalification of Corso Libertà Superiore in Merano. A drawing of silence

In the restyling of the urban area of Corso Libertà Superiore in Merano, in Trentino Alto Adige, it is the context that informs the project. A silent design: one that does not add information but underlines the pre-existing elements and defines more clearly the areas of the city in which it is located

The concept inspired by the city's plot

The project for Corso Libertà Superiore in Merano involves the design of outdoor spaces in the city  born from the collaboration between Clab Architettura, Ponto Atelier, Renna Studio, and Valdinoci. The geometric design of the urban area's pavement is inspired by the dense and complex plot of the city center, using porphyry cubes alternating with segments of trachyte 80 cm wide and of varying lengths, with narrower 20 cm wide bands inserted transversely. A design that suggests and guides the use of public space. The five urban areas specifically addressed in the project are: Porta Bolzano; the Kurhaus and the Tourist Board area; the Moser Park area; the via Fossato Mulini area; and finally, the Civic Theater Puccini area

Requalification of Corso Libertà Superiore in Merano. A drawing of silence

Organization of urban space for functional segments

The level changes are eliminated, as well as the horizontal signage, to favor a flexible and predominantly pedestrian use of public space. Functional segments organize the space of the public path in a flexible and variable form. Distributed along the entire length of the street, and positioned alternately with respect to the road section, the six segments host public infrastructures uniformly and variably according to the needs: seating in monolithic blocks of trachyte; bike racks in metal profile; waste bins and recycling islands; electric supply towers; rainwater collection system; public lighting; vegetation and trees

Requalification of Corso Libertà Superiore in Merano. A drawing of silence

Artistic operations to enhance spaces for civic meetings

In addition to the design elements that enhance and requalify each area, the project also includes a set of three artistic operations that have the potential to enhance existing spaces as catalysts for civic meetings. These interventions are integrated into the public space project. The first is the lighting system, which, installed on poles, has a variable height that highlights the slope of the street; the second is the Mirror installation: a large mirrored wall that separates Moser Park from public services by reflecting the image of the garden. The third artistic operation is the Mineral Carpet, the pavement with concentric circles of Via Fossato Mulini that evokes the idea of a space of resonance and reverberation with the water element

Requalification of Corso Libertà Superiore in Merano. A drawing of silence
