Peter Pichler Architecture studio, upon invitation, participates in the competition for the completion of the ski infrastructure and develops a proposal characterized by a sensitive approach to the natural landscape, the local vernacular architecture, and the cultural heritage of the site. The result is four interventions that not only enhance the Val Camonica area at the infrastructural level but also accompany visitors in an architectural experience perfectly integrated into its context

Completion of a ski resort in Ponte di Legno. Revisitation of the architectural tradition of the Italian mountains
The private competition announced for the completion of the ski resort in Ponte di Legno, a tourist location between Lombardy and Trentino, required three new cable cars, articulated by the presence of architectural interventions, refuges, refreshment points, and an exhibition hall dedicated to the conservation of the site's cultural, historical, and landscape heritage
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The four new stations present traditional architectural elements, such as stone-pitched roofs and wooden interiors and balconies, each of which reacts differently to the landscape. Overall, the design strategy adopted has led to the creation of a family of buildings and stations characterized by a consistent architectural language, rooted in local architecture, and where the differences lie in the identity and character of each of them, uniquely expressing the exact place of the ski route where it is located

Photo credits
Top image, content and gallery images: Visualarch © Peter Pichler Architecture
Designers credits
Peter Pichler Architecture
PPA Principals: Peter Pichler, Silvana Ordinas
PPA Design Team: Peter Pichler, Daniele Colombati, Maria Pachi, Niklas Knap, Federica Rizzo
Companies credits
Peter Pichler Architecture