Rationalist Villa for Olivetti. Between conservation and innovation
Rationalist Villa for Olivetti. Between conservation and innovation

Villa Rossi: renovation between conservation and innovation

In the heart of Ivrea, a city that has marked the history of modern industry under the vision of Adriano Olivetti, lies Villa Rossi, a 20th-century architectural gem included in the core zone of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. This article explores the complex restoration project, illustrating a perfect balance between modernization and historical preservation.

Historical and Architectural Context

Villa Rossi represents one of the four villas commissioned in 1959 for Olivetti executives. Designed in line with the principles of the Employee Housing Advisory Office (UCCD) and under the guidance of Emilio Aventino Tarpino, the villa reflects the architectural evolution promoted by Eduardo Vittoria in Ivrea. Characterized by flat roofs, loggias, and gres cladding of various sizes and shades, the villa embodies a transition towards a more vibrant and colorful aesthetic, departing from the previous, more austere industrial architectures.

Rationalist Villa for Olivetti. Between conservation and innovation

Objectives and challenges of the restoration project

The main objective of the restoration of Villa Rossi, carried out by GStudio, was the introduction of cutting-edge solutions for energy efficiency without compromising the aesthetic integrity of the building. The challenge of this restoration project was to balance technology and preservation, while keeping the historical character of the villa intact.

Rationalist Villa for Olivetti. Between conservation and innovation

Innovative Technologies and Conservation

The project included the conservative restoration of the facades, terracotta sunscreens, and metal parts. Particularly significant was the use of the Wagner system in the fixtures, a technology that improves thermal and acoustic insulation while preserving the original aesthetic of the windows. The decorative element of the perimeter wall, featuring a bas-relief depicting the Greek spiral designed by Marcello Nizzoli, was also carefully restored.

Impacts and Results: Energy Efficiency and Comfort

By using insulating materials such as cork in the external walls and addressing thermal bridges, the building has been upgraded to energy class B. The roof was modified to include PCM (Phase Change Materials) panels, enhancing internal comfort and optimizing air circulation.

Rationalist Villa for Olivetti. Between conservation and innovation

Heritage Conservation

The restoration has preserved the original custom-made furnishings, which significantly contribute to the authentic character of the building. These interventions demonstrate a deep respect for history and adapt to contemporary needs.
