Virtual installation of floors and walls
Virtual installation of floors and walls

Virtual installation in Stockholm. A vision of a project without physical limitations

Lara Lesmes and Fredrik Hellberg, creative directors of London-based architecture studio Space Popular, present a vision of the latent potential of space design within and for virtual environments, a studio that interfaces architecture and cognitive science.

The inspiration for this installation was the book by the American science fiction writer Stanley Grauman Weinbaum who published Pygmalion's Spectacles, in which he described the first fictitious model for the systems and experiences that we now describe as virtual reality. Science fiction has repeatedly prophesied the same technologies that are accelerating towards widespread availability and use.

virtual display of colours and lights

In the field of architecture and design, these issues are particularly acute. What form should an architectural value system take, for example, when it expands from the physical world to virtual multiverses ? If the designers of these environments are not bound by a need for shelter, nor are they required to respect the various physical limitations imposed by construction in the real world, what could be expected of them? What would be the role of the architect?

virtual display of colours and lights

The installation "Value in the Virtual" wants to present a vision of the latent potential of spatial design for virtual environments. 
The six environments refer to spaces and places that can be found in Stockholm.

virtual display of colours and lights

If virtual reality is no longer science fiction then it is our collective duty, both as potential users and as citizens of liveable domains yet to be designed, to take responsibility for a technology that will most likely dominate our daily experiences and interpersonal interactions in the near future.

virtual display of colours and lights


Space Popular

Space Popular
