Through the combination of old and new structures the OOIIO team carries out the restoration of a group of modest agricultural buildings in Spain that after more than 50 years of disuse and no maintenance are about to collapse definitively

Restoration of agricultural buildings in Spain. Combination of old and new in accordance with tradition
Through the combination of old and new structures the OOIIO team carries out the restoration of a group of modest agricultural buildings in Spain that after more than 50 years of disuse and no maintenance are about to collapse definitively
- #L'Europe>
- #Espagne>
- #Complexe résidentiel>
- #Rénovation>
- #Enduit>
- #Pierre>
- #Bois>
- #Couleur>
- #Architectures>
- #Renovation>

It is a renovation project created day in, day out on site, solving problems one at a time through intensive teamwork with the client and the builders, respecting the way these elements were originally built

It is a renovation project created day in, day out on site, solving problems one at a time through intensive teamwork with the client and the builders, respecting the way these elements were originally built

The brick is used as the only material for all the newly built walls. Playing with the existing recovered brick wall, the architects create a wide range of textures and finishes: besides being a material linked to local tradition, the brick is a material that works well in the reference climate and requires very low maintenance

The external spiral staircase which joins the three levels is surrounded by a cylindrical element also made of bricks, which connects all the vertical circulation: its shape evokes the shape of an agricultural basin

To recover as many ancient architectural elements as possible it was necessary to repair all the old wooden doors, clean and polish the splendid historical clay tiles, repair and reinforce the damaged beams and structural columns and strip the old walls showing the original materials

The original structural elements are painted in traditional indigo blue and the new elements in black. This color code indicates the new intended use and becomes the final touch of the personality of the interior

The combination of old and new structures creates a hybrid building, rich in nuances and singularities, rethinking the old one mixing it with the new one. A renovation designed on site by OOIIO architecture to restore these old buildings that now shine with a new life
