Moncada Rangel
Corso Umberto I, 80 96100 Siracusa SR Italia
Rua da Boavista 342, Hab. 28 4050-127 Porto Portugal
Moncada Rangel is a creative agency aiming to blur the boundaries and ambiguity between inside and outside, informality and shaped, authenticity and globalised, brutal and delicate, designed and accidental, original and copied, unique and standard, traditional and critical.
Architects by training, after we have been worked and lived in several countries such as Italy, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Norway, Dubai and Sweden we founded our practice in Rotterdam in 2012, that is now based in Syracuse, Sicily.
We believe that everything is Architecture and Architecture is scaleless and meaningful. We think that design can make a better world.
We work with essential forms and structures that can generate objects, spaces and environments to frame the complexity of life.